The Top Causes of High Blood Pressure

The Top Causes of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects nearly half of the general population — an estimated 116 million Americans. While that statistic may seem surprising, what’s particularly remarkable about this serious medical condition is that for many sufferers it has no noticeable symptoms. About one-third of the people who have high blood…

Could Your Abdominal Pain Be Pancreatitis?

Could Your Abdominal Pain Be Pancreatitis?

When it comes to common symptoms, abdominal, or stomach, pain ranks as one of the most common ailments that strike Americans. In fact, almost half of the general population will suffer from abdominal pain at some point in their lifetime. Remarkably, it’s the leading gastrointestinal symptom that triggers a visit to the…

Why Do I Keep Getting UTIs?

Why Do I Keep Getting UTIs?

We’ve all been there. Just yesterday you noticed your urine is a bit cloudy, and you’ve been peeing a little more frequently. Then bam, that telltale burning sensation kicks in when you urinate. Oh no, not another UTI! You’ve been following your doctor’s instructions and even finished your medicine like…

7 Ways to Treat Diabetes and Improve Your Health

7 Ways to Treat Diabetes and Improve Your Health

About 37.3 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in the United States. If you count yourself among them, you probably remember the day your doctor delivered the diagnosis. Maybe your first thought was about your friend’s diabetic uncle who had his leg amputated, or the countless other things you’ve heard over…

4 Types of Abdominal Pain and How to Treat Them

4 Types of Abdominal Pain and How to Treat Them

When it comes to common aches and pains and illnesses that nearly everyone experiences at some point during their lifetime, stomachaches rank right up there with headaches and the common cold. But when it comes to ambulatory care and emergency room visits, abdominal pain leads the way as the top reason…

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous?

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous?

Whether you watch television, listen to the radio, or spend time online, chances are you’ve encountered lots of ads related to sleeping, or more appropriately, the lack thereof. Advertising for mattresses, pillows, sleep medications, systems for cleaning CPAP machines, and more all hinge on one very important fact — Americans…

How a Pap Smear Can Save Your Life

How a Pap Smear Can Save Your Life

Medical screenings can sometimes be one of those things that you know you need to do, but you keep putting off because of scheduling issues or fear that they may be uncomfortable or even embarrassing. For many women, pap smears, also known as a Pap test, definitely qualify as both…