How to prevent varicose veins? 6 tips for healthy circulation

When it comes to taking care of overall health, one of the most important aspects is our circulatory system, especially when the problem that affects many people in the world starts to appear: varicose veins. Do you know how to prevent varicose veins? In this article, we’ll tell you how.

According to the Society for Vascular Surgery, it is estimated that between 20 and 25 million Americans suffer from varicose veins, and around 50% of people who have them have a family history, suggesting a genetic predisposition.

If you have started to notice some swollen veins in your legs, some of them with pain, you may suffer from varicose veins. At Formé Medical Center, we are ready to help you recover the health of your legs through close and honest attention.

Call us now at 914-723-4900 or schedule an appointment so we can evaluate your case and provide you with the treatment that will allow you to recover the health of your circulation.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are swollen, dilated, and twisted veins that mainly develop in the legs. This condition occurs when the valves that regulate blood flow weaken or become damaged, causing blood to accumulate in the veins and widen them. 

Usually, varicose veins can cause symptoms such as pain, heaviness, swelling, and in severe cases, can lead to more serious complications. In addition, it is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, although it is more common in women.

How to prevent varicose veins?

While the risk of developing varicose veins increases with age, especially when there is a genetic predisposition, there are certain practices and habits that can help you minimize the risk of developing this type of condition. Here are 6 essential tips for preventing varicose veins.

Maintain a healthy weight and balanced eating habits

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential to reduce pressure on the legs and improve blood circulation. A diet rich in fiber and low in salt will help prevent fluid retention, reducing swelling and pressure on the veins. Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables can also strengthen blood vessel walls and improve vein elasticity.

Regularly engage in physical activity

Moderate exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling stimulates blood flow and strengthens leg muscles, helping blood circulate more efficiently towards the heart. Also, avoid sitting or standing in the same position for long periods, and if you have a sedentary job, try to take active breaks to stretch your legs and prevent blood from accumulating in your veins.

Elevate your legs

Elevating your legs above heart level when resting or sleeping can improve circulation and reduce swelling. Placing pillows under your legs when lying down or lifting your feet for a few minutes several times a day can be beneficial for venous return and prevent the development of varicose veins.

Avoid tight clothing and high heels

Wearing tight clothing, especially around the waist and legs, can impede blood flow and worsen the appearance of varicose veins. Similarly, frequent use of high heels can impede the proper functioning of the calf muscle pump, which helps push blood back to the heart. Opt for comfortable clothing and low-heeled shoes to reduce pressure on your veins.

Hydration and skin care

Drinking enough water is essential to keep blood fluid and avoid viscosity. Thicker blood can impede circulation and increase pressure on veins. Additionally, keeping skin hydrated with lotions or creams can improve its elasticity and protect it from external damage, reducing the risk of developing varicose veins.

Do not smoke and limit alcohol consumption

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect circulation and damage blood vessel walls. Both habits can increase the risk of developing varicose veins and worsen symptoms in those who already have them. Avoiding tobacco and reducing alcohol consumption can significantly benefit vascular health and prevent the appearance of varicose veins.

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Take care of your circulation with qualified doctors

Maintaining the care of our circulatory health is essential to prevent varicose veins and enjoy an active and fulfilling life. Implementing healthy habits, such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking, can make a difference in preventing this condition and in overall well-being.

If you are concerned about the appearance of varicose veins or want to learn more about how to maintain healthy circulation, do not hesitate to contact our specialists at Formé Medical Center.

Call us now at 914-723-4900 or schedule an appointment with us. Our medical center in NY has a highly qualified team that can provide you with a personalized evaluation and advice on the best practices to take care of your legs and vascular health.